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The Joy of Belonging

For Scots, Community is everything. At SA, treating every person with kindness, honor, integrity, and respect is not just a slogan, but a meaningful way of being that is instilled in all our students.


Students and teachers walking formal dress

The Scot's way

Our closely connected pre-k - grade 12 community is welcoming, kind, humble, supportive, and encouraging of one another. Being a Scot is about being part of a community of individuals who have a sense of pride for who they are - and what they are working to become. They have the confidence to define what success is to them—and the courage to follow it. That's the Scot's way.


"Each and every day, from the moment I step on campus, I am greeted by a warm and welcoming community. The teachers and staff go above and beyond to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respect."

-Sophie Bogen, Upper School Student

Saint Andrew's School Traditions

Saint Andrew's Honor pinning at chapel with Upper School boy pinning a Lower School boy
Honor Pinning Ceremony

Every new member of the Saint Andrew's School community - students, faculty, staff, and administration - takes a pledge of honor at our annual all-school ceremony.

Saint Andrew's Homecoming rides and games in 2023

Scots, past and present, gather to celebrate each other and their Saint Andrew's experience. By far the largest event of the school year, Homecoming is all about football, BBQ, rides, bagpipers, fireworks, and more!

Students cheering at a pep rally at Saint Andrew's
"Go Scots!"

Our school chant can be heard everywhere, from sports contests to Mu Alpha Theta math competitions.

Students attending chapel
Lessons and Carols

Each year, every division of our school celebrates a Festival of Lessons and Carols in Chapel, which connect and celebrate the Episcopal faith and the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, certainly helping to ignite the holiday spirit on campus by offering a renewed appreciation of the beloved Christmas story.

Saint Andrew's Faculty and Staff Appreciation Luncheon in the FOA Lobby
Faculty/Staff Appreciation Luncheon

At this annual event, parents serve everyone's favorite dishes as a token of their appreciation for all the things faculty and staff do for our students

Saint Andrew's School seal on the floor
Saint Andrew's Seal

Whether in Crangi Foyer, or Henderson Hall, or Hammond Library, if Scots see the school seal on the ground, they walk right around it out of respect. 

Saint Andrew's Boarding students walking on campus
Chapel of Saint Andrew the Apostle

The sidewalks leading to Chapel are etched with the names of all graduates from over the years.

Saint Andrew's Students sitting on spirit rock
Spirit Rock

The spirit rock is maintained by the Upper School students, and it is used to promote upcoming events and celebrate achievements. It is truly a living message board!

Saint Andrew's students pose for Graduation photo

Our commencement procession, led by the Palm Beach Pipes and Drums, crucifer, and flag bearers, includes trustees, our Bishop, faculty, and seniors, and symbolizes the unity of all members of the school community.

Saint Andrew's Names of Our Graduates Etched in the sidewalk
Names of Our Graduates Etched in Sidewalks

The sidewalks leading to Chapel are etched with the names of all graduates from over the years.

Saint Andrew's Boy singing on Saint Andrew's Day
Saint Andrew's Day

The Saint Andrew’s Community gathered together to celebrate Saint Andrew’s Day, a special day that  honors our founding Patron, Saint Andrew the Apostle and also celebrates the history of Saint Andrew’s School.

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Saint Andrew's Honor pinning at chapel with Upper School boy pinning a Lower School boy
Saint Andrew's Homecoming rides and games in 2023
Students cheering at a pep rally at Saint Andrew's
Students attending chapel
Saint Andrew's Faculty and Staff Appreciation Luncheon in the FOA Lobby
Saint Andrew's School seal on the floor
Saint Andrew's Boarding students walking on campus
Saint Andrew's Students sitting on spirit rock
Saint Andrew's students pose for Graduation photo
Saint Andrew's Names of Our Graduates Etched in the sidewalk
Saint Andrew's Boy singing on Saint Andrew's Day

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Find Your Passion

There are so many opportunities here

"One thing about Saint Andrew's is if you have an idea or a passion, they will add fuel to your fire." - Shyamaa, Upper School Student

Developing the mind, body, and spirit of our students

Saint Andrew's school is known for its long-standing traditions and tight-knit community. Students and faculty alike are encouraged to form strong relationships with one another, creating a supportive and collaborative environment that allows everyone to thrive. Whether it's through participating in school-sponsored events or simply spending time together in the classroom, the students and faculty at Saint Andrew's forge deep connections that last well beyond graduation.

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    Saint Andrew's Student Pep Rally with student in a sweater pointing to the crowd